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Upper Hopton

Community Association

Upper Hopton Community Association (UHCA), Registered Charity No 512417, was formed in 1980 and has over the years raised money to extend and modernise the Croft House Rooms as we see them today.
Croft House itself dates from around 1700.  It was bequeathed, with the adjoining cottage, to the people of the village by Mr Charles Earnest Sutcliffe in 1948.
The Upper Hopton Community Association meets on the first Tuesday of each month except August at 7.30 pm in Croft House and all residents of the village are welcome.


Upper Hopton Fete
We will be back on    Saturday  26  July 2025   with a great event for everyone.


Mobile Post Office service for Upper Hopton!

The Post office van will visit Croft House every Thursday between 12.15 and 1.15pm. All the normal post office services will be available.  See:

Post Office van at Croft House 2.jpg


UHCA Book Group

The Book group meets every 2nd Monday in the month 4.00pm to 5.00pm at Croft House. Come along for a cup of tea, and a chat about the books chosen by the group.

Contact Andrea via the website 'Contact Us' page or 01924 493568.

Tea cup 2.jpg


The 200 Club prizes are drawn each month

If you would like to support our village hall and the improvements you can see around the village, we have several more membership places available for the '200 Club' at £15 per year.


We have 11 monthly draws with prizes of £50, £25 & £10

and one annual draw with prizes of £250, £100 & £50


If you would like to join the '200 Club' or have extra numbers, please contact Margaret on 07950 047429, or Roger on 07530 420872, or click on the 'Join Us' button. 


​The easiest way is to pay by BACS to

Upper Hopton Community Association,

Barclays Bank, Sort Code 20-26-08,

Account number 00898740, using your initials and address as a reference, e.g., 200CB3TM


Here are the Minutes of our Monthly Meetings
(To read the Minutes or Report simply click on the required date and go to the download button at the top of your screen or go to your downloads)

January 2020

February 2020

March 2020









December 2020

Annual reports

Subsequent Annual UHCA reports have been incorporated in the AGM minutes.

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